Royals Gym Wear


Event 1 - Power Stairs - 100kg, 120kg & 140kg

Head to Head. Athletes will have 90 seconds to carry 3 weights from the bottom of the stairs to the top. Each weight getting progressively heavier. 450mm step.
Standing Points Name Time (Seconds) Steps
1 16 Arron Blowes 24.03 9
2 15 Alan Honnor 26.60 9
3 14 Craig Chapman 27.73 9
4 13 Richard Martin 28.04 9
5 12 Ross Davies 31.08 9
6 11 Laurence Armitage 32.80 9
7 10 Ramunas Domkus 32.90 9
8 9 Aaron Throne 39.23 9
9 8 David Martin 40.70 9
10 7 Tim Irons 43.21 9
11 6 Carl Baldry 43.50 9
12 5 Duaine Charles 49.30 9
13 4 Lee Rymill 51.10 9
14 3 Sean O’Shea 55.90 9
15 2 Aaron Dickerson 57.89 9
16 1 Matt Mardell 39.97 8

Event 2 - Truck Pull - 2800kg

Head to head. Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete the 25m distance. Athletes will wear upper body harness with rope attached to rear. This will be leg drive only, no arm over arm pulling rope.
Standing Points Name Time (Seconds) Distance
1 16 Laurence Armitage 21.20
2 15 Arron Blowes 25.38
3 14 Lee Rymill 27.20
4 13 Craig Chapman 27.70
5 12 Matt Mardell 27.90
6 11 Aaron Throne 31.80
7 10 Richard Martin 33.81
8 9 Sean O’Shea 34.40
9 8 Aaron Dickerson 37.22
10 7 David Martin 38.00
11 6 Ramunas Domkus 38.75
12 5 Duaine Charles 41.40
13 4 Alan Honnor 47
14 3 Ross Davies 47.09
15 2 Carl Baldry 47.56
16 1 Tim Irons 59.85

Event 3 - 18" Duellum Deadlift - 220kg

Head to Head. Athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible within the timeframe. (straps allowed, no suits) Bar height 18″, Rogue Ohio bar.
Standing Points Name Reps
1 16 Arron Blowes 17
2 15 Alan Honnor 15
3 14 Aaron Throne 14
4 13 Richard Martin 12
5 12 Carl Baldry 11
6 11 Tim Irons 9
7 10 Aaron Dickerson 7
8.5 8.5 Ross Davies 6
8.5 8.5 Duaine Charles 6
10 7 Craig Chapman 5
11 6 Lee Rymill 3
12.5 4.5 Matt Mardell 2
12.5 4.5 David Martin 2
14 3 Ramunas Domkus 1
15.5 1.5 Sean O’Shea 0
15.5 1.5 Laurence Armitage 0

Event 4 - Axel Press - 90kg

Head to Head. Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible from the shoulder position. Athlete can drop and reset the bar if required.
Standing Points Name Reps
1.5 15.5 Laurence Armitage 10
1.5 15.5 Arron Blowes 10
4 13 Carl Baldry 8
4 13 Richard Martin 8
4 13 Aaron Dickerson 8
7 10 Matt Mardell 7
7 10 Lee Rymill 7
7 10 David Martin 7
9 8 Craig Chapman 6
10.5 6.5 Aaron Throne 4
10.5 6.5 Alan Honnor 4
12.5 4.5 Ross Davies 3
12.5 4.5 Ramunas Domkus 3
14 3 Tim Irons 2
15.5 1.5 Sean O’Shea 0
15.5 1.5 Duaine Charles 0

Event 5 - Atlas Stones - 50, 65, 80, 100 & 120kg

Head to Head. Atlas stones on descending platforms, 1.5m – 1.1m. Athletes will have 60seconds to complete as many stones as possible.
Standing Points Name Time (Seconds) Number of Stones
1 16 Laurence Armitage 13.61 5
2 15 Craig Chapman 14.7 5
3 14 Richard Martin 18.8 5
4 13 Ramunas Domkus 19 5
5 12 Carl Baldry 20.27 5
6 11 David Martin 22 5
7 10 Arron Blowes 22.25 5
8 9 Aaron Throne 24.2 5
9 8 Tim Irons 24.44 5
10 7 Ross Davies 24.8 5
11 6 Aaron Dickerson 27.7 5
12 5 Lee Rymill 49.87 5
13 4 Matt Mardell 51.55 5
14 3 Alan Honnor 12.48 4
15 2 Sean O’Shea 26.2 4
16 1 Duaine Charles 60 0


Position Points Name
1 72.5 Arron Blowes
2 63 Richard Martin
3 60 Laurence Armitage
4 57 Craig Chapman
5 49.5 Aaron Throne
6 45 Carl Baldry
7 43.5 Alan Honnor
8 40.5 David Martin
9.5 39 Aaron Dickerson
9.5 39 Lee Rymill
11 36.5 Ramunas Domkus
12 35 Ross Davies
13 31.5 Matt Mardell
14 30 Tim Irons
15 21 Duaine Charles
16 17 Sean O’Shea